The 'List' button is a long press button that displays a menu of choies for viewing content contained on the SongMate database. Menu selections include options to list all songs, artist or media/company items or provides filtered choices based on values that have been selected onto the home screen. The SongMate application does not maintain a Artist/Media database relationship but does provide a list option that supports selecting the artist filtered by the current song and media/company values. Also an option for selecting the media/company filtered by the current song and artist values.
The screen shot on the upper left shows options for selecting information from the SongMate database and the screen shot on the right shows the result after selecting 'Songs'. When the number of items returned from a search is large selecting a character on the right side of the screen will position the list at the beginning of items starting with the selected character as the point to begin scrolling. Selecting an item from the list returns that item to the home screen.
Selecting Songs, Artist or Media Title from the menu returns a list of all those items contained in the database. Selecting an item from the list returns it to the home screen. If a song is present on the home screen, before placing a selected artist or media item onto the home screen SongMate verifies the artist and media relationship. If an artist item is selected and a media item exist that is not associated with that artist/song the media is cleared and the artist item placed on the home screen. The same type of verification is done when a song has been entered and a media item is selected. If the artist and media values are entered the home screen prior to entering a song no verification will occur.
The screen shot on the lower left shows option "Artist who Played Song" being selected and the screen shot on the lower right shows the result, artist found on the SongMate database who have recorded song "Body And Soul".